Ghost Chasers Episode 1
Hopefully Episode 1 of our new TV show went down well with most of you we certainly had a great time making this series after all 4 blokes and a 6 week road trip what could possibly go wrong :)
This first episode the Ragged School and the Woolwich Artillery was the first time the whole team met. I remember getting to the hotel the night before the shoot and meeting up with Paul Hobday as he had picked up all our gear and clothing from Brite Spark Studios that morning. We had a quick trying on session of our new trademark black clothing and the first calamity struck. My trousers were a size too big and with the belt pulled tight I looked like a sack of potatoes. After googling Next stores Paul decided that we would have time prior to the production meeting to go and exchange them.
The following morning we all met for breakfast myself, Paul, Ian Lawman and our first meeting with Kay Nambiar. Kay and Ian already had a taxi booked to the Ragged School so me and Paul got in his car and with me wearing oversized black combats we headed for the Next store.
Paul dropped me off outside and I rushed in explaining to the shop assistant that I needed to exchange the trousers I was wearing for 2 new pairs a size smaller. She kindly went and found the only pair they had left and showed me to the changing room where I put them on and went straight out to the cash desk to sort out the exchange. Bearing in mind we were pushed for time she did the transaction and then said 'ah you're wearing them with the security tag attached' I asked her if she could remove it while I was wearing them but the removing device was attached to the checkout desk. No problem I exclaimed jumping onto the desk ass first while the assistant grabbed the back of the trousers and struggled for a couple of minutes before her supervisor came over asking if there was a problem! To cut this long story short I then had to remove the trousers and get the tag removed before running back to Paul's car laughing at the incident!

After making it just in time to the Ragged School we attended our first Production meeting of the show and meeting lots of new faces; Cameraman Steve Robson and Soundman Tim Boylan along with Kiloran Mclaren Data Wrangler Jenni Crane Researcher Dan Edwards Director and Richard Woolfe our Exec Producer.
It was decided that as we had just been put together as a team we would film the opening shot of the show at the back of the Ragged School with the river as a backdrop. Any tensions were soon eased as we were told to look in our backpacks and chat with each other as we waited for Kay to walk on set. All I can say is its a good job that you can't hear some of the conversations we had during those moments as Ian the seasoned TV star of the group was always trying to make us laugh at these times just prior to 'Action' being shouted out. Comments like check your flies as he saw the director cuing up the camera spring to mind and much worse!
Things relaxed very quickly and we moved on to the rest of the shoot inside the Ragged School. Hopefully this first episode lived up to expectations but it was a steep learning curve and we all felt that the filming did seem to get better as we went on. If you enjoyed this one I am sure you will love the rest of the series but for now my highlight (paranormal wise) of this show is in the following video clip.
Stay tuned for some more 'Insights' as Ghost Chasers continues.