
Great fun working with some American You Tubers at the Ancient Ram Inn. Colin Browen and brother in law Connor also TFIL Overnights Elton Castee made a surprise visit.
Project filmed with Dan from Exploring with Fighters 'You Tube Channel'

Chris Howley
has been investigating the paranormal since 2004 and has been involved with looking after one of the most haunted buildings in the UK, Woodchester Mansion since 2006 when he took on the role of their Paranormal Supervisor. Book your own Paranormal event here and come and say hello he is still there investigating this building after 20 years.....
Chris has been a highly respected paranormal investigator for many years and has appeared on a number of TV shows, including Ghost Hunters International, Great British Ghosts, The One Show, Celebrity Ghost Hunt Live and has recently taken part in a week long live show, Celebrity Haunted Mansion. However it is the Ghost Chasers series that Chris is most well known for after its recent airing on the UKTV Really Channel. Click here for Showreel
Chris is a member of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP) and was one of the first in the UK to be listed on the National Register of Professional Investigators (NRPI), having passed the exams with distinction. ​
2023 was a brilliant year teaming up with my partner psychic medium Lucy Bilton. We travelled across England investigating various locations in our campervan, apptly called Annabelle. This is still in edit.
Early in 2024 myself and Lucy took part in a pilot show called Supernatural Somerset. This is an exciting project and definitely one to watch this space.
Me and Lucy out side Woodchester Mansion

Worlds Scariest Hauntings is the latest production from
Woodcut Media exclusively for SKY Pick Channel.
I was involved in episode 1 The Ancient Ram Inn talking history and ghost stories for this hour long show.
The premiere was broadcast on 1st November 2018.

Here are a selection of my Ghost Stories on Amazon Kindle